Read this entire page for presenter name and qualifications, program registration requirements, and fee/refund, and other policies.
Click on each class title below to read the unique program content description and learning objectives.

Program Overview: Choose 1, 2, 3, or 4 Classes

All Classes 8:00am-4:00pm E.S.T.; individual class descriptions below


Child and adolescent therapy is highly rewarding, but with it comes unique obstacles and pitfalls. Children’s instinctive resistance to exploring challenges and developmental lack of insight, challenging home settings, and parental sabotage represent the tip of the complex iceberg. Art therapy has been hailed as an excellent mode of individual treatment for children and adolescents while others suggest that family therapy is ideal. Are these modes of treatment mutually exclusive? Must we employ one mode over the other at the expense of the child’s treatment? After all, we can’t isolate the individual child’s development and symptomatology from the influence of the family system. Simultaneously, we can’t ignore the child’s impact on family dynamics and parenting styles. Let’s integrate the approaches!

ADVANCED CHILD-ADOLESCENT ART THERAPY IN A FAMILY SYSTEMS CONTEXT IS A FOUR-SESSION ADVANCED-PRACTICE COURSE that unpacks an original outpatient treatment model synthesizing individual child art therapy with family therapy. In this integrative approach, the art therapist assesses and treats the child’s internal world simultaneously with the larger family system and school environment. The child works through challenges in a child-centered mode of therapy while parents learn how best to understand and support their child’s unique needs. It takes an uncommon approach to work with this singular phase of our clients’ lives! Through interactive experiential activities, lecture, visual-active poster presentations, discussion, case presentations and video examples you will leave this workshop inspired with a wealth of innovative and strategies to transform your outpatient child-adolescent therapy practice! 

Click on each class title below to read the unique program content description and learning objectives.


NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider™ ACEP No. 7373


Art Therapists • Creative Arts Therapists • Counselors
Clinical Social Workers • Marriage and Family Therapists • Psychologists
Other master’s level mental health professions who treat children, adolescents & their families

Program participants are not taught how to be art therapists or ‘do art therapy’. You will learn an integrative child/family systems approach, advanced child-centered therapy, & parent training skills to adapt & interweave into your treatment modality.

Flexible Attendance Options:

Participants may attend this educational program in person at our offices at Haverford, PA
(15 minutes west of Philadelphia) or virtually over Zoom. Space is limited to 10 in-person participants, and virtual participants are limited to 50.

In-Person Program Location 
600 Haverford Rd. Ste. G-101
Haverford, PA 19041

Participants attending via Zoom will be sent a meeting link prior to the beginning of the program.

Registration Fees

  • Attendees may register for 1, 2, 3, or all 4 classes.

  • Registration for a single class costs $149

  • Increasing discounts are applied per program the more classes you take.

  • Click the links below to register for single classes or multi-class bundles of your choice.

  • Registration closes at 5pm (E.T.) three business days prior to each class.

  • If you have questions or need special accommodations, contact our program administrator, Candice Lespoir: or (610) 649-1080, x714

    600 Haverford Rd. Ste. G-101 Haverford, PA 19041


Mike Fogel is a board certified art therapist and licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania. An art therapy entrepreneur and author, he is the creator of highly regarded therapy programs, including the Art of Friendship Social-Coping Program (2000), Child & Family Art Therapy Center (2007), Camp Pegasus (2013), the BetterWorld Affordable Therapy Program (2019), and Philadelphia Adult Art Therapy Associates (2021). In practice since 1995, Mike treats a wide range of childhood challenges in a loving, child-centered individual therapy approach, involving parents in every session. Additionally, Mike specializes in the treatment of children with social-coping challenges such as High Functioning Autism, ADHD and learning differences. He released his first book in September 2020, “The Social-Emotional Guidebook: Motivate Children with Social Challenges to Master Social & Emotional Coping Skills”. A charismatic and engaging speaker, Mike has presented at national and local conferences and for professional and lay organizations. He enjoys his work as well as prog-rock music, the beach, comedy, sports, making art, and reading comic books. Mike loves his family best of all! He lives outside of Philadelphia, PA with his wife, two children, and Penny the Shi Tzu.

“Mike’s presentation style is engaging and reassuring. He kept the class engaged throughout with humor, interesting case examples, and role-play.”

Susan – Art Therapist

Cancellation & refund policy: Confirmation of your registration will be emailed to you with directions to the seminar site. You may cancel your registration from the full program or individual classes at any time. Registration and/or class fees are refundable only when notice of withdrawal is received in writing, at the above address or via email, seven (7) or more calendar days before the class is to be held. Email cancellations to Cancellations received fewer than seven (7) calendar days prior to the class are non-refundable. If CFATC cancels or reschedules the seminar, the participant will receive credit towards a future seminar.

If a participant registered for multiple classes, attended at least one session, and wishes to cancel subsequent classes, the following applies: participants will receive a prorated refund for the subsequent class(es) from which they withdrew. Prorated refunds are not issued if notice of withdrawal is received with fewer than seven (7) days’ notice.

Resolution of Participant Complaints and Disputes: If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about their experience with the Child and Family Art Therapy Center, its staff or presenters, they may call or email Mike Fogel, (610) 649-1080 x4, Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, the individual can expect us to thoughtfully consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions, and respond within 10 calendar days.

Live Seminar Continuing Education Credit Information: Credits listed in this brochure are for full attendance at the live seminar only. Partial attendance at the seminar will disqualify attendees from receiving credit, as partial credit is not offered. After attendance has been verified, pre-registered attendees will receive an email from Child and Family Art Therapy Center, P.C. (CFATC) with the subject line, “Evaluation and Certificate” within one week. This email will contain a link to complete the seminar evaluation and allow attendees to print or download a certificate of completion if in full attendance. Please see “Seminar Schedule” for full attendance start and end times. NOTE: License boards do not allow credit for breaks or lunch. Materials that are included in this course may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of certain mental health professionals. As a licensed professional, you are responsible for reviewing the scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your profession’s standards.

Licensed Professional Counselors: Each of these educational programs consists of 6.25 credit hours of continuing education instruction. Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please save the course outline, the certificate of completion you receive from the activity and contact your state board or organization to determine specific filing requirements.

ADA Needs: We would be happy to accommodate your ADA needs; please call at least two weeks prior to the seminar date.

Feel free to contact CFATC with any questions or concerns at: 600 Haverford Rd. Ste. G-101 Haverford. PA 19041
Tel:(610) 649-1080 x1

Child and Family Art Therapy Center has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education provider, ACEP No. 7373. Programs That do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Child and Family Art Therapy Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.